My Story
“Making beautiful food
is an act of love”
I have been baking and making sweet things for as long as I can remember. Growing up in a vegan household and having a sweet tooth made creating my own desserts somewhat of a necessity. Before I could use the stove I was making raw peanut butter cookies with my little brothers early on Saturday mornings. I was gifted an easy bake oven just so I would stop begging to use the stove. And then, when there was finally enough confidence that I wouldn’t burn the house down - my love for baking only grew. Birthday cakes for my younger siblings and parents on their birthdays. Brownies and cupcakes for class parties. Home made cookies on Valentine’s Day and Ginger Snap for Christmas. By the time I was in high school I was whipping up pies and tarts from scratch, delighted that I had found something I could do to bring the people I loved together. It was also very convenient that the act of baking allowed for the stress relief that I - a somewhat high strung high schooler - desperately needed.
And then when I moved away from home to go to school, I found that baking continued to carry those same feelings. It allowed me to take care of the people I loved - my friends and community while simultaneously giving me a creative outlet for my stress. Making beautiful things that people can eat is an act of love.
In 2019 I officially launched Sweet Hart Desserts. Since then, my love for baking has only grown - allowing me to experiment with new flavor combinations and new techniques. I center vegan diets in my baking because while I am no longer vegan myself I believe in the importance of making veganism accessible and fun. I want other Black folks to eat the things I make and find the flavors of home dancing across their taste buds. I want people to recognize the infinite amount of combinations and flavors that can be found in nature. Not only are Sweet Hart products vegan they draw on the best flavors found in nature. Florals, fruits, spices … SweetHart Draws upon the beauty of nature and makes it a bit sweeter!
Harar V.A. Hall
Owner of SweetHart Desserts